We believe that the church exists to carry out a purpose in God's plan.  

We're not here just to exist. 

That is why everything that we do here at the Grove is meant to serve God's purposes and to make life matter. 

We keep the following two purposes in mind in all that we do...


We want to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ and our knowledge of Him. 

"Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18

The Grove is a place where people can grow in their faith journey.  Finding and accepting Christ as Savior is the first step.  You can begin your journey here and continue growing your walk of faith through worship, study and prayer and service. This is a place where you can heal from the hurts of your past, discover your purpose, and serve side by side with people just like you.  


We want to spread the love of Christ far and wide.  Jesus commanded us to

"go and make disciples...baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Beginning with ministry right here in our community, you can be a part of making a difference - using your gifts and talents to help others come to know Jesus Christ as Savior.  We are an active family of faith who is reaching out beyond ourselves to meet needs, touch hearts and change lives through the power of God.