Kidz Grove Groups

Grovekidz Groups for K4 - 3rd Grades meet on Sundays at 9:00 am

Sunday mornings at the Grove are a time for growing your children in the Lord through Bible lessons and activities during age graded Grove Groups. Children's Grove Groups meet on the 2nd floor in our GroveKidz Learning Center.  

Kidz Church


Children are a priority at the Grove.  You can feel confident and comfortable when you bring your precious little treasures to church at the Grove.

We use the GROW KIDS CURRICULUM to engage kids to learn biblical principles and to understand the love of God and what a relationship with Jesus is all about.

They are enjoying some really exciting Children's Church times together!  

Check out our Facebook Grovekidz page for all the action! 

Wednesday Night Grovekidz

Grovekidz is for children in Kindergarten through 3rd Grades

On Wednesday nights at the Grove, children can look forward to FUN, GATHERING WITH FRIENDS and GETTING TO KNOW JESUS!

Grove Nursery on Wednesdays

The littlest of our children will be cared for every Wednesday

by our Wednesday Night Nursery Staff who will love on them

and make their time away from parents

something they look forward to and also help parents

enjoy taking part in Bible study or ministry opportunities!