We believe that Wednesday nights at church can be the best way to engage with one another and with the Word of God. That's why we have a format that includes a variety of experiences for every age that includes, fellowship, fun, Bible study and meals.  

Wednesdays fall in the middle of tough work weeks, busy school weeks and hectic extra curricular activities.  But they can be a time to refuel and refresh your spirit by connecting with Christian friends and the foundations of our faith.

Check out our monthly schedule below and then jump into Wednesdays at the Grove! 

Adult Wednesday Nights Schedule

1st Wednesday


Men's Group and Ladies Group meet separately for Bible study and to discuss a variety of ministry/mission  projects and to plan men's and  women's ministry events


Bible Study

A relaxing time around the tables in the fellowship hall for interacting with others and diving into God's word.

We are currently studying the book of Genesis!


Bible Study

Coffee, Drinks and snacks are provided on Bible Study nights.

Pastor Ken presents a Bible Study.

4th (or LAST Wednesdays)  Fellowship Supper

Bring a side dish and desserts to share.

Meat and drinks provided.

Whenever there is a 5th Wednesday in the month, we will meet on the 5th Wednesday



Our "TWEENS" Ministry meets for Bible Study, Prayer, Fun and Fellowship in the Branch 456 Room each week.  Leaders strive to help these young people grow in their faith walk and navigate the changes and challenges  that are a part of this unique age group.